
For Virgin Olive Oil Atlanta GA Is The Way To Go

By Angela Phillips

Olive oil refers to a certain kind of fat that is derived from the olive tree. The tree is a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean region. The scientific name of the tree is Olea europaea. The production of these oils involves crushing whole fruits to extract it. Although associated with Mediterranean countries, the product is now used worldwide. When in need of the highest quality of olive oil Atlanta GA is the best place to visit.

The product has a length history that has been determined to start around the 8th millennium BC. It originated in the Mediterranean basin where it was collected and consumed by Neolithic people. Ancient Greece is the specific country of origin, but the first time it was domesticated remains unknown. Modern day Israel is the country where the first conversion process occurred.

Olives exist in different varieties. The flavor, shelf life, texture and other characteristics of each variety differs. That is why each variety is used for a different application. Some of the different applications they various varieties are put to include indirect human consumption in catering, engineering applications, consumption on salads, and consumption on salads, or.

In the world over, Spain is the leader in production of olives and its oils. For instance, back in 2013, Spain was responsible for over 39 percent of global production. Spain is followed closely by Italy. Production in Australia is picking up fast as the country is now exporting significant amounts. Production in United States is still very low in comparison to world leaders in production. Italy and Spain supplies most of the product consumed in America.

Italian and Spanish oils are known in the US for their top-quality and are often sold at higher prices. They are also availed in prestige packaging. Production in the United States is done in various states including California, Texas, and Arizona. The three states are the ones with the largest production compared to all other states. However, production happens in other states too but in smaller quantities.

The International Olive Council (IOC) is an intergovernmental organization of countries, which is responsible for governing the production of olives and its derivatives. This organization is responsible for governing over 95 percent of all production on the globe. The US does not play by the rules of IOC because it is not one of the member states. However, it has its own standards that producers must abide by.

These oils are composed of different components. In large part, the oils contain mixed triglyceride esters of palmitic acid, oleic acid among many other kinds of fatty acids. It also contains traces of squalene and sterols. The composition of a given product varies depending on various factors such as time of harvest, extraction method, region, cultivar, and altitude.

Olive oils have several applications in industrial as well as domestic settings. They are used in cooking and in making various products such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, soaps and as fuel. They have also been used traditionally as skincare. They have been found to have several health benefits by research.

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