Must anticipate resistance. The social worker should be ready for any resistance and establish mechanisms to handle them. It is very difficult for experts to positively impact resisting clients. Some may even be more violent hence fighting back. This may kill the efforts and morale to progress in their work and may tend to withdraw. Hence, they should be conscious when relating to the victims. This has led to the importance of anxiety therapy toronto.
Lack of enough and qualified staff in this field. This is another hindrance to proper and successful functioning of this activity. Most staffs lack knowledge and content on how to handle their clients. They end up offering little guide and information that has minimal or less output. Also, we have few experts in this field as compared to the demand the area. Therefore it is important to recruit more professionals in this field.
Increased occurrences of people affected by this disorder. Some situations are very serious and no only requires guidance but also medical attention. This becomes difficult especially in remote areas where we have few experts and poor medical services. Hence the professionals needs to have more knowledge in order to handle as many victims as possible at a time. This is due to the increased situations in the area.
Lack of capital and poor payments. For every activity undertaken, it is important to put into account the issue of capital for achievement of set goals and objectives. Inadequate capital hinders experts from attending more people as possible. Poor wages kills their morale in conducting the practice. They are unable to meet and cater for their personal needs as well as performing their professions. Other organizations and cooperatives should work hand in hand to support this field.
Illiteracy on the other hand is great challenge in that people especially in remote areas are not educated. Therefore I even if information is available to them, they are unable to implement all the guideline and advices. In handling especially the older people it becomes difficult to help them put into place mechanisms to help them address the problems. Hence, they need more attention in informing them the importance of the practice before initiating it. Hence, individuals need to be well educated to improve understanding of various things.
Enables the client to draw lessons that are useful in future in case of the same occurrence. Not only the skills to face the present issues, help the victim acquire long-term skills. This is very important because anxiety disorder occurs in day to day lifestyles. Hence people are capable of coping up with these problems without necessarily seeking help from experts in this field.
Ignorance. This is where the clients are not willing to seek guidance to remedy their problems. They have negative attitude and perceptions towards experts. For instance the number of people helped before being less. They therefore ignore any information and advice offered to them towards change. This affects achievement of goals both to the victims and the experts.
Inadequate resources. This may include vehicles, funds and other material used in success of the practice. They face trouble reaching those in remote areas due to poor transportation means and communication networks. Hence there is need for other fields to partner with therapist to help them raise the required resource.
Lack of enough and qualified staff in this field. This is another hindrance to proper and successful functioning of this activity. Most staffs lack knowledge and content on how to handle their clients. They end up offering little guide and information that has minimal or less output. Also, we have few experts in this field as compared to the demand the area. Therefore it is important to recruit more professionals in this field.
Increased occurrences of people affected by this disorder. Some situations are very serious and no only requires guidance but also medical attention. This becomes difficult especially in remote areas where we have few experts and poor medical services. Hence the professionals needs to have more knowledge in order to handle as many victims as possible at a time. This is due to the increased situations in the area.
Lack of capital and poor payments. For every activity undertaken, it is important to put into account the issue of capital for achievement of set goals and objectives. Inadequate capital hinders experts from attending more people as possible. Poor wages kills their morale in conducting the practice. They are unable to meet and cater for their personal needs as well as performing their professions. Other organizations and cooperatives should work hand in hand to support this field.
Illiteracy on the other hand is great challenge in that people especially in remote areas are not educated. Therefore I even if information is available to them, they are unable to implement all the guideline and advices. In handling especially the older people it becomes difficult to help them put into place mechanisms to help them address the problems. Hence, they need more attention in informing them the importance of the practice before initiating it. Hence, individuals need to be well educated to improve understanding of various things.
Enables the client to draw lessons that are useful in future in case of the same occurrence. Not only the skills to face the present issues, help the victim acquire long-term skills. This is very important because anxiety disorder occurs in day to day lifestyles. Hence people are capable of coping up with these problems without necessarily seeking help from experts in this field.
Ignorance. This is where the clients are not willing to seek guidance to remedy their problems. They have negative attitude and perceptions towards experts. For instance the number of people helped before being less. They therefore ignore any information and advice offered to them towards change. This affects achievement of goals both to the victims and the experts.
Inadequate resources. This may include vehicles, funds and other material used in success of the practice. They face trouble reaching those in remote areas due to poor transportation means and communication networks. Hence there is need for other fields to partner with therapist to help them raise the required resource.