
Preparing One Dish Chicken Recipes That Rock

By Enid Hinton

As leftovers used to be the main ingredient in foods of the past, some are now considered quite romantic. In reality, any meal can be romantic when adding candles and flowers to a table. Or, when hosting a romance oriented picnic. One dish chicken recipes can often help create just the right ambiance depending on location and overall meal plan.

Poultry in general is a very versatile food. There are many options when planning to make these type recipes. While most often when people hear chicken, one thinks of buckets filled with leg, wings, thighs and biscuits. Fried, however is not the cheapest or healthiest way to buy, or cook chicken.

Complete dinners can be made in a clay pot, slow cooker, in the oven, or on the grill. The grill being a one dish dinner only because it is cooked on the grill at the same time as side dishes. Whereas, a slow cooker is often a preferred method for a number of full meals.

An oven on the other hand can be used for a number of different style dishes. Casseroles, pastas and other foods can make for a great meal. One of the most uncommon of chicken dishes is that of chili, though it has proven to be quite tasty to a number of individuals. As this version has recently made an appearance on at least one television cooking show, there is no doubt it will become more popular with home and professional in the future.

Stuffed breasts are also popular as a one dish meal. While this is the case, some may find it too light of a meal, while others may find it too heavy. Ultimately, it is up to each chef to determine what constitutes a one dish creation.

When it comes to storing and preparing food. It is essential that all meat, poultry and seafood be refrigerated at all times. After which, it should be cooked immediately upon removal. Otherwise, there are a number of health issues which might arise if individuals were to eat food which had been tainted either from sitting out too long, or not being refrigerated as required for safety.

As all these foods have the potential to become tainted with salmonella, it is essential that the foods be refrigerated until prepared. After which, if there are leftovers, these should be refrigerated as soon as possible as well. When using a marinade, it is essential that the marinade be covered with plastic wrap and placed in a refrigerator.

Speaking of marinades, there are some excellent ones for meat, poultry and seafood when cooked on a grill. One being a combination being beer, soy and ginger, another a mixture of lemon juice and bar-b-que sauce. For those desiring a more casual meal, chicken on pizza has become quite popular over the last several decades and is now a topping that has been tried in many parts of the world.

There are also a number of recipe oriented websites which can provide ideas and recipes. Most of these websites allow individuals to take recipes, and upload others which individuals might want to share. Whether taking, or uploading, it is always important to follow any and all instructions with regards to copyright laws on whichever website one may be using at the time.

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