
Simple Tips For The Best Barbecue Fire

By Richard Wilson

To develop the best grill you first need to equip yourself with the skills to create the perfect fire. A BBQ is one of the most popular methods of cooking, offering convenience, affordability, and flavorful meals. Knowing how to prepare your grill for long lasting and beautiful coals can aid in cooking meats, vegetables, and even desserts left on the fire.

There is nothing better than hosting a barbecue for friends or family and tasting the rich smoky flavors created by the slow burning coals and optional prepared marinade. The key to a successful grill is in the preparation of your fire. To prevent overcooking your beef or risking raw chicken, there are a number of tips that should be adhered to for the perfect grilled meal.

The first option is to gather charcoal in a suitable canister and to place rolled up balls of newspaper on the top. Light the paper, and wait. The fire should spread to the surrounding coals without any reliance on strong lighter fluid and petroleum products. Heating the coals will allow for the release of heat into the grid for even and safe distribution.

Always keep your grill equipment clean and free from any fat and dirt before placing the meats and vegetables on the grid. For even results spread the heat and ensure that you do not have one section of hot coals and another section of cooler coals. An uneven distribution is one of the major reasons that meat is not correctly prepared over the fire.

When preparing a fire, monitor the intensity of the heat and ensure that all coals are even for the cooking of foods. If meat is taking too long to prepare, the grill can be lowered or extra layers of coals placed under the delicacies for efficient results. The correct temperature must be determined to protect against a barbecue disaster.

There is the option to add slow burning wooden chips to the coals for the release of a smoky flavor. Include a small block of wood that is not treated and place strips of meat across the surface to enrich with woody flavors. It is becoming an increasingly popular choice to add to the taste of different cuts of meat and fish.

If you wish to prepare different types of meals on the grill, be sure to create a controlled fire. The lit coals must be distributed evenly and meat cooked in an efficient manner that will prevent raw or overcooked results. There is no need to make use of harsh chemicals to create a fire, but the use of newspaper and charcoal can assist in the ideal barbecue.

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