
Find the best info on discus fish on the web here

By Randy Green

Pompadour fish or discus fish are among the most popular ornamental tank species in the US because they're hardy and can conform to life in a tank simply once 1 or 2 environmental standards are met.

Let us talk of the necessities of keeping and caring for discus fish in a freshwater discus fish tank mates . So you'll know precisely what should be expected when you buy these stunning underwater beauties:

Discus fish come from waters in the Amazon Basin that are naturally hard, and a little alkaline.

Though these still pools in the Amazon contain some level of humic acid from that leaches from the soil, the water is buffered naturally and thus can maintain a reasonably stable pH level across the year.

Marine peat is recommended in the cycling process as an extra provision for discus fish. Peat balances pH and water toughness, and also introduces naturally-occurring tannins, which may change the water color a bit.

Discus fish live in naturally brownish water that's so clear you can still see the bottom of the pool. These still pools can be discovered near riverside.

Discus fish do not fare well if their tank is placed in a place where there is a lot of traffic.

Corridors and game rooms aren't good places for a new tank, because there is just too much activity, and discus fish prefer quiet, semi-dark areas that duplicate their natural environment.

What occurs when discus fish are exposed to raised levels of traffic or human activity. They become stressed, and this stress can shorten their lifespan.

Like humans, stressed fish can become subject to disease, and tank-borne pathogens swim alongside your discus, waiting for a chance to infect new hosts.

The minimum tank size for discus fish is 24. If you can go big for your new discus fish, opt for a bigger tank. More water is always better for your fish.

Tap water might be used if there is not any other water source for your new tank. However , tap water must be de-chlorinated and buffered to meet the water toughness and pH obligation of your new fish.

Aquarium peat can make tank water barely acidic, and can also be used to melt water.

Buffers can also be bought from pet stores to make water more alkaline if you get a pH reading that is too low. Discus fish need a water pH level of 7 this is the most ideal pH level and will encourage optimum growth.

If you live in a temperate country, it is important that you buy a submersible tank heater before purchasing new fish. Discus fish are most healthy at 28 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Submersible heaters may be installed near the tubes of the built-in under-gravel filter. Before installing your heater, ensure you perform any required calibrations and set the heater to a specific temperature, so that the tank water won't be under-heated or over-heated.

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