
Avoid Gastrointestinal Distress With Non Acidic Coffee

By Juana Buchanan

Are you a cafe-au-lait lover who no longer can sip this beverage because it upsets your stomach? Well, cheer up. You can resume the time-honored pursuit of sitting over the morning paper with a steaming cup next to you - or enjoy an afternoon pick-me-up - by using non acidic coffee. Actually, the term maybe should be 'low acid', since some acids will remain.

Some acids remain in all types of coffees, but this is good. Authorities say that it is the acids that give the brew its flavor. Only some of the highly acidic compounds found in the beans cause problems. People who are sensitive may experience heartburn, indigestion, and acid reflux. These side effects can be eliminated or minimized by methods of growing the beans, roasting them, or processing them.

Millions of people who love this caffeinated beverage both for its flavor and for its energizing properties have had to give it up because they are so uncomfortable after drinking it. Others struggle with an overwhelming desire to go ahead and enjoy a cup, even though they know what will happen half an hour later. However, where there's a will there's a way, and solutions have been found.

There are many low-acid coffees available today; check them out online. You may even see them in your local groceries, once you know what to look for. Some brands are made from beans grown on special soils or at low altitudes, which affects the acidity. Others have been processed - many by natural methods - to reduce the acid levels. Roasting for a longer period also produces a gentler brew.

Another secret is the brewing method. If you order less-acidic coffees in Starbucks or other specialty shops, the steaming hot brew will have been made from an extract originally brewed using the cold method. This involves regular grounds, cold water, and a 12-hour steeping period. The resultant glop is strained and mixed with either hot or cold water to taste.

Many believe that the cold-brew method not only gives you a gentler cup of coffee, it also gives you one with more flavor. For those who fear that drinking several cups of coffee a day is giving them an ulcer, this alternative is definitely worth a try. Who knows, you may join the multitudes who now do cold brewing.

Cold-brewing units are available to make this process easy and clean-up a snap. Otherwise you can put grounds in a bowl, moisten them with water and then add more water by the cup, cover the bowl, and allow the mixture to sit for twelve hours. To finish the process, strain out the elixir and dilute it to taste, add ice or heat it up, and voila.

Non-acid coffee is becoming more and more popular as people in high-stress jobs who try the gentler beverages rave about them to their friends and associates. You really don't have to compromise on flavor to protect your stomach from irritation. Go online to learn more about Arabica beans, Colombian roasts, and other imported options to keep the coffee you love and depend on coming morning, noon, and night.

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