
Why Double Chocolate Biscotti Are So Popular

By Allyson Burke

Double chocolate biscotti are very nice to have at any time of the day or even as something light to have after a meal. Traditionally they were best served with a coffee or a cappuccino. This you will see in Italy a lot. There are also a lot of flavors available which can be great for all sorts of events and functions.

These biscuits come in a variety of flavors. There used to be one standard biscotti which was a classic. You may have seen these with nuts. However, times have changed and you can now get a variety of flavors and textures which is really nice. You can even get savory types, which can be enjoyed with something like cheese.

Many people bake these ahead of time and keep these fresh in a biscuit tin so that they keep for some time. This is the perfect thing in case you have the unexpected visitor over for tea or coffee. There is no fuss and you won't have to quickly head off to the shop in order to buy a cake which is always a bit of a hassle.

You can order these online and you can find people who specialize in baking these. If you find a good baker, you will find guests coming back for more. You will also find a lot of recipes where you will be able to learn how to do this yourself. You may have to try a couple until you find the best one, but it is often a case of trial and error.

These come in all shapes as well. You used to also get one standard thumb sized piece which was a classic. This is what you will still get in Italy because it is traditional and this will never die out. However, in other parts of the western world, people like to experiment and you will find long fingers which are always nice to share.

You can also make these yourselves if you think that money is going to be tight. Baking biscottis is not hard work and it can also be a lot of fun, as you will soon find out once you get started. The whole family can do this together and it will be great to spend time doing this as a way of spending some quality time with each other.

It is always nice to order your own biscotti, but you will pay a little more. If you find that you are very busy and you are working all day, then this may be the most convenient way to go. However, these are easy to make and it will save you money to get the family roped in. It can be fun baking with the whole family.

The nice thing about the double chocolate biscotti is that they freeze well. This is fantastic because it makes it much more convenient. You can be sure that they will be fresh if you take them out in the morning. By the afternoon, you will be able to enjoy them as if they have come straight from the oven.

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