
Why Stainless Steel Wall Ovens Are Popular

By Angela Price

The use today, of stainless steel wall ovens has become extremely widespread. They save a good deal of room, and look very modern and up to date. Available in Gas, electric or convection and single, single-double and double ovens, these can be added to most kitchen layouts without much difficulty. They can even be combined with microwave ovens.

The wall-mounted units do not have cook tops. This means that designers of kitchens need to keep this in mind, and cook tops need to be added somewhere else in the kitchen. This does not need to be a drawback as more cupboard space can be provided under the cook top, and you can have a gas cook top and an electric cooker.

Installing the wall-units at a higher level than a traditional range, makes cooking much easier on your back. There is not nearly as much bending over. Compact units of 24 to 27 inches are available for smaller installations, but it is the standard size of 30 inches wide, which is most popular. Compact units are less expensive.

Cooks and Chiefs argue over what it the best medium for cooking. Most feel that for cook tops gas is best but for backing, electric is best. Wall-cooking units come in both gas and electric, and they can also be found in convection ovens as well. Installing a wall cooking unit, allows the chief to have both facilities, gas for the separate cook top and electric for the cooker itself.

There are also convection models available in the wall-positioned market. These can come by themselves or in combination with a regular electric model. This leads to the next decision, which is whether to purchase a single, single-double or double model. The single model is straightforward. One single oven mounted in the walls. The single-double and the double models are similar but with one major difference.

Single-double units are the same size as a general single unit, but they are split into two separate ovens. One part may be larger than the other. Both have their own doors, and their own temperature controls. This is an excellent option for the busy family home. A true double unit is two completely separate units, in full size. You can see that it will take up more room than the other unit. These can be installed one of the other, or side by side.

The other nice thing about wall units is the ability to mount a microwave oven above or below the single or single-double regular unit. Microwaves are large and take up a great deal of counter space this change will increase the available counter space. This combining all of the cooking units in one small area can make for a very efficient cooking environment.

To summarize, stainless steel wall ovens can be a superb addition to your kitchen. You can add a number of cooking and baking spaces within a small space, and combine with a microwave and a convection oven it wanted. This will also make your kitchen look modern and very up to date.

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