
Get Your Hemorrhoids Under Control By Following These Tips

By Paulette Obrien

The location of hemorrhoids has a lot to do with the different symptoms you may experience. Internal ones are located inside the rectum, which are usually less painful, in which bright-red blood could be a symptom but you may not feel it at all. External hemorrhoids are painful, itchy and can be easily observed. The purpose of this article is to inform you about hemorrhoids.

Don't wait by sitting on the toilet before you're expecting a bowel movement. A lot of people like to sit and read on the toilet, it actually causes you to strain. Make sure when you sit on the toilet, you are ready to go.

Sit in a lukewarm bath while raising your knees. The warm water should make the inflammation and irritation go away. Warm water will help blood to get to the hemorrhoid, and it will get rid of swelling and pain. This can be repeated as frequently as you wish, and you'll experience quick relief.

Never scratch at your hemorrhoids no matter how much they itch. Scratching can lead to infections, and can cause serious damage to the area. If you cannot handle the itching, wet a cloth and gently pat the affected area. Itching is not always a sign of inflammation or swelling. You may just need to clean the area. This is where a wet paper towel or a rag can really bring some much needed relief.

Get as much fiber in your diet as possible. A lack of fiber in your diet can lead to hard stools, and you'll also be deficient in your nutrients balance. Consider going with fiber supplements like psyllium husks or linseed.

If you want to decrease the pain and inflammation of your hemorrhoids, try consuming grape seed oil. Bleeding from hemorrhoids may be indicative of the presence of a minor infection; grape seed oil kills that infection.

To help you deal with hemorrhoid symptoms, include items like whole grains, fruit and vegetables in your diet. If you have a healthier diet, the less likely hemorrhoids will be.

No one wants to suffer through inflamed, painful hemorrhoids. Itching is probably the most uncomfortable, frustrating symptom related to your hemorrhoids. Scratching will make it feel better for a second or two, but it will actually make the hemorrhoid swell more and slow the healing process. Those that have difficulty with hemorrhoids must not scratch, they need to find other types of treatments.

See a doctor immediately if you aren't sure that your symptoms are due to hemorrhoids. Because of their location, it is sometimes hard to determine whether you have a polyp or a hemorrhoid. If you don't know, have your doctor check it out.

You may need to take fiber supplements in addition to, or instead of, changing your diet. Try purchasing fiber in powder form and use it to enrich your juices. They're sold at just about any drug store. If it is hard for you to eat enough fiber, get a fiber supplement.

One way that you can prevent hemorrhoids is extremely easy. Don't delay moving your bowels. Allowing feces to stick around in the large intestine causes the body to absorb water, which means additional strain is required to get rid of the feces. Straining worsens hemorrhoids, and should be avoided.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids were covered at the beginning of this article. External and internal hemorrhoids can produce different symptoms and levels of pain and can be easy to tell apart because of this. By following the advice of this article, you can learn more about prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.

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