
World's Rarest Coffee!

By Jonny Blair

While travelling in Indonesia I was lucky enough to be able to sample the world's rarest coffee!! Here's my report on it.

So where does the world's rarest coffee come from? Well as a traveller you quickly learn that everywhere advertises and promotes themselves as "the world's best", "the world's highest", "the world's cheapest" etc. so to be honest I normally take no notice of such things. Singapore is a city renowned for exaggerating stuff and quite frankly on my few trips there it has made me cringe the amount of things they claim to be the world's best or the world's first.

First things up - it comes from Indonesia. I found it while doing a tour of a coffee plantation in Bali - the coffee plantation is near to lots of rice fields in a hilly area called Munduk. On the coffee tour we came across an odd looking creature called a Luwak Fox. This was housed in a cage and to be honest looked like a scary, bizarre mix between a cat, fox, dog and wolf!! Why am I telling you about a fox? Because this fox requires red coffee beans to survive and it's a rare breed...

Right where do I start? The Luwak Fox eats coffee beans and they then come out of its ass. They use these digested and excreted beans to make the special Luwak Coffee. Really? Yes its the excretion of a Luwak Fox!! I couldn't quite believe it but it had to be tried!!

We noticed a bonus option was to try an alcoholic version of it - so we did - they added a drop of booze into our Luwak Coffee!

The cafe was called Kubu Kopi, but to be honest I'd imagine that in this part of Bali, the rare Luwak Coffee can be obtained. If you want to find it, I suggest you get your driver to take you to a coffee plantation in Munduk, and tell him the name of the cafe Kubu Kopi and mention the Luwak Coffee. It's not that easy to find if you've hired a car. It's hardly a tourist spot so the only other option for getting there would probably be to stay in Munduk itself, in which case you'd be guaranteed to find it and could probably walk it.

A menu arrives complete with a picture of the Luwak Fox in behind, just to tempt you even more. The special Luwak Coffee costs 85,000 Indonesian Rupiah (which today is about $8.2 US Dollars) so actually not as bad as you'd think considering it's the world's rarest. So after all that fuss, was the world's rarest coffee any good? Yes! We both loved the Luwak Coffee and would recommend it, plus it comes in an exquisite wooden cup and saucer and you can sip away with an amazing view into the fields of Bali. With not a care in the world...

OK it's time for me to go and get a normal coffee now! Thanks for reading!

Where can you sample the world's most rare coffee? Head to Munduk in Bali, Indonesia, though it is also exported!

What is the world's rarest coffee? - Luwak Coffee

How much will it cost you? - Less than 10 US Dollars (mine was around 8USD)

What's it made from? - Coffee bean which has been excreted from the Luwak Fox

Is it worth trying? - Seriously of course it is - you can waste 8US Dollars on a lot worse!!

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