
Size up the New Year with better health

By Canry Wright

What make this time of year so memorable is the gathering of such wonderful friends, family, and the ones you love, not to mention the wonderful dishes of heart warming foods that bring many of us back to our childhoods- Grandmas fruit cake, Uncle Max and his famous eggnog, or even some of the neighbors delicious homemade treats in the way of their traditional Christmas fudge, gingersnap cookies, or the butternut brittle dipped in chocolate. Yummy!

Now some of you might be thinking, wow that was dramatic, I never over think a stuffed chili dog, but in truth more and more people are rising with the tide of obesity and if you are not concerned with what you eat, well you should be, the numbers don't lie, Americans are getting fatter and fatter each year.

Being hungry is a universal sensation however far too many people are eating all the time and don't really know what a hungry sensation really feels like, they just know it must be time to eat because it's lunch time, or someone one brought doughnuts to work so you must be them. So many have come to accept their obesity discomforts as normal, "People think this is just how my body works," Lizzy, a digestive wellness expert says.

Ok now how to NOT go over board on indulgences; Think pain, think is it worth it, because for everything that goes in your mouth is sure to land somewhere on your body where you are eventually going to have to hit the gym to work off. So I say again, think pain, is the food you are bout to eat worth it. Some foods simply have no nutritional value, take for instance powdered sugar; unless great grannie is going to hold it against you skip those treats laden with sugar. Cheesy pizza you have eaten with the cousins while watching Christmas movies, might be a tradition for as long as your can remember but will you remember the pizza into the night or can you have just one bit and be ok.

Obesity leads to fatigue, sleep loss, drop in physical and sexual activity, depression, and loss of work. Many people mistakenly think that the simple act of eating is not so abnormal; everyone eats right, while that might be true, what people mistake and is abnormal is the amount and the kinds of food they are eating. Eating processed or greasy, fried foods will cause obesity, no ifs and or buts. If you are obese eating a chili dog is more apt to sit as fat upon fat with out any chance of your body burning the calories off due to the inflammation that processed food has caused within your body.

The holiday should be a time of cheer, a time of delight, not a time of "I'll worry about that after the holidays." Being healthy is not a part time job, it is about the choices we make at all times, so don't get lazy this holiday season, sick to healthy choices and I promise you will feel lighter on your toes come the New Year.

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