
Healthy Delicious Vegetarian Burger Recipes

By Richard Coleman

Vegetarian hamburgers unlike burgers made from meat are a healthy and substantial food. There are a number of methods to make a vegetarian burger and I will detail the means I such as mine made.

The first is a vegetarian burger recipe, for one, that not every person will like since it has onions:


1 small onion sliced fine 1 really small or half of a medium size bell pepper (green, red, yellow does not matter) 1 small shredded carrot 1 cup of prepared dark beans (drained can of renal beans is fine) salt and pepper to taste.

Treatment: Spot cut onions, peppers and shredded carrots into a bowl and include the beans. Mash all of the ingredients together completely. The beans will act as the base for the burger keeping all of the other components together. Kind into a burger. Plunge the formed burger first into milk (vegans use soy milk) then into either biscuit, corn flake or bread crumbs. In a frying pan heat about one tbsp of olive oil. Put the burger into the olive oil to fry. Brown it on both sides and serve on a bun with a slice of tomato and some lettuce. If you adore onions put a thin slice of onion on it too. You could serve this with any kind of side dish you like along with a slice of pickle.

The second is a vegetarian burger recipe for one that is a little different and is not for the onion fan.


1 extremely small or half of a medium size bell pepper chopped finely (green, red, yellow does not matter), 1 small shredded carrot, 1 small tomato diced 1 cup of cooked brown or white rice salt and pepper to taste.

Procedure: Place the chopped pepper, shredded carrot and diced tomato into a bowl and add the 1 cup of prepared rice. Mash all of the components together until company and form into a burger. Fry in skillet with one tablespoon of olive oil. If you choose you may dip the burger into some milk (vegans utilize soy milk) and then into biscuit crumbs corn flake or bread crumbs before you fry it but it is not required due to the fact that the rice will certainly brown. Serve on a bun with a slice of tomato and some lettuce. You could use any side dish you like with this burger along with slices of bread and butter pickles.

I use carrots to make this vegetarian burger recipe juicier. Although in these there is something about the carrot that makes the burger tastier. For variations on these recipes add other components such as mushrooms, prepared mashed pumpkin or butternut squash or other veggie that you enjoy. A variation of these recipes creates a much more pleasurable burger each time you make it and eat it.

Do you see how much you can discover concerning information linked to veggie burger recipe once you take some time to study a well-researched article like this? You should not miss out on the rest of this excellent data as it will provide you far more useful tips or just go here for other delicious & nutritious vegetarian recipes which guarantees an even better overall health.

The rice or beans in these recipes take the place of meat and add compound to the burger. The beans in this recipe is reduced in calories however the rice is simpler to form and cooks up more well thus, making the consistency of these two burgers a little different. These recipes contain not just healthy components however they are yummy too. Attempt both of these vegetarian burger recipes and choose your very own favorite.

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