
4 Quick Cooking Tips For Butternut Squash

Do not be surprised about the number of ways and methods there are to prepare butternut squash; yes, there are some faster and easier ways among these too, of which we bring you some. Besides these easy cooking tips, you can find more details at no extra cost from web sites that contain more comprehensive info on squash dishes. Offline information on cooking tips butternut squash are also available and sometimes printed matter can be purchased off or on the net.

However, we begin with telling you little known facts about this great vegetable: few are aware that butternut squashes belong to the gourd family, a native of Western Hemisphere and that Mexicans were known to consume this product way back as in 5500 BC! Judging by this long history, one can well understand how far back the eating habits for squash date back to!

Well, to begin with the guidelines you are here for, butternut squash is of two types, summer and winter.
Winter butternut squash is the product in focus here and the better kinds among this category weighs around 3 pounds or so. Filled with a sweet flavor if prepared right, the following cooking tips stand you in good stead when making some of your own at home, so check them out:

1. If shopping for butternut squash, lift in your hands for weight, moldy marks and take your time as the outer cover may be hard to figure out these factors. Place your purchase in a cool, dry place for a few weeks; upon cutting, wrap in plastic and refrigerate to enable it to last up to a week.

2. Cooking tips for butternut squash guidelines include serving it along side wine, but much of this meal-matching depends on the preparation of the squash dish and good choices include a bubbly like a Pinot Grigio or Chenin Blanc to improve the flavor.

3. Other flavor enhancers for butternut squash include adding in herbs and spices that will work to bring out its latent nutrients and taste, such as nutmeg, sage, paprika, savory, anise seed, allspice, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, cumin, ginger and mace besides tarragon turmeric and thyme.

4. A simple rinse and cutting lengthwise of the product and de-seeding is all required before moving the extra fibers around the veggie as pre-preparation. Some people prefer to peel the skin off as children do not much care for it. However, this done, the rest is easy as a pie: you can saute the cut squash pieces and pierce to check if its tenderized, or opt to bake it in the oven for half an hour at 400 without covering it; other ways to cook it include cutting it half-ways and cooking in the microwave for 12 minutes or so, boiling chunks of it for 9 minutes or even steam-cooking the squash cubes for up to 8 minutes.

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